How to use essential oil at home- for Beginner

How to use essential oil at home- for Beginner


Essential oil can be used simply and effectively at home in a variety of ways, for scent, cosmetic and medical qualities. It can be used as perfumes, vaporisation with diffuser or burner, added to bath and for individual beauty preparations. Also for the treatment of minor first aid cases and to help prevent and relieve many common complaints such as headaches, colds, period pains and aching muscle.

Neat Application

Generally, essential oils are not applied to the skin in an undiluted form. However, there are some exceptions to the rule; Lavender or Chamomile for example, can be applied undiluted to burns, cuts, and insect bites, Tea tree to spots and popped pimple, Lemon to warts, Eucalyptus or Frankincense to mouth ulser, cold sores or genital herpes.

Massage/topical application

The essential oils are effectively absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream via topical application. Specific essential oils are chosen to suit the conditions of the body, blended with a base oil, such as sweet almond oil, coconut oil or grapeseed oil.  Physical ailments like rheumatism or indigestion demand a stronger concentration than the emotional or nervous conditions.

A rough guideline is to say that 20 drops of essential oil is equivalent to one millilitre, so to make a blend it is possible to use the following proportions:

Essential oils

Base Oil

20 to 60 drops


7 to 2.5 drops


6 to 10 drops

1 table spoon

3 to 5 drops

1 tea spoon


For general wellbeing, it is beneficial to practise self-massage on specific areas of the body, concentrating on the feet and hands. For example, to ease indigestion, rub diluted peppermint essential oil on the stomach. To relax stiff neck or shoulders, massage diluted Ginger or Black Pepper essential oil on the areas.

 Mix with oils/lotion for skin or beauty application

Dilute essential oil in the same manner as they would be for a massage, except the base oil should be more nourishing oils like argan, jojoba, rose hip or avocado oil. The emphasis here is on treating the skin itself and dealing with particular problem. For example, Rose, Frankincense or neroli are good for dry and matured skin. Helichrysum, carrot seed, Frankincense good for scar and skin regeneration. Geranium and French Lavender are good for acne, Bergamot or Lemon are good for greasy oily skin.

Diluted essential oils can be added to sugar or salt for facial or body scrub. Or added to a basic face mask, which include oatmeal, honey or clay.

Hair Care

The hair can be enhanced by the use of a few drops of essential oil in the final hair rinse or added straight to a mild shampoo. 2ml (40 drops) essential oil for 100ml shampoo. An excellent conditioning treatment for different types of hair can be made by adding 60 drops of essential oil to a nourishing base oil like argan or jojoba, massaging it into the scalp, then wrapping the hair in warm towels for an hour or two. Oils such, Rosemary, cedarwood, chamomile, or clary sage help to condition and encourage healthy hair growth. Lavender or Tea Tree or Bergamot to repel lice and fleas or dandruff.


5 to 8 drops of essential oil can be added to 100ml of our Ultrasonic Diffuser that could last for 8 hours or 3 drops to a normal size aromatherapy burner. Specific oils can be chosen to create different atmosphere. iL Puro Four Thieves oil blend is good for a stronger immune system especially for children or to purify the air as antifungal in the house. Stress Away is good for those having anxiety and depression and Sleep easy is for insomnia. For single oils, Frankincense, Vetiver, French Lavender or cedarwood is good to create a peaceful and relaxed mood. Citronella, Lemongrass, Cinnamon provide an excellent way of keeping insects at bay while Patchouli to clear the air of unwanted smells due to cigarette smoke. Eucalyptus or Frankincense can be used in the bedroom at night to help clear breathing difficulties or children coughs.

Steam inhalation

This method is suited to sinus, throat and chest infection. Add about 5 drops of an oil such as peppermint, eucalyptus or our Respiratory Blend oil to a bowl of hot water, cover the head and bowl with a towel and breath deeply for a minute-then repeat. Facial sauna oil like lemon, tea tree or French Lavender can help to unclog pores and clear complexion.


Add 5 to 10 drops of essential oils to the bath water when the tub is full. Aromatic bathing has traditionally been used as an enjoyable and sensual experience, but also to treat  a wide range of complaint, including irritating skin conditions, muscular aches & pains, rheumatism & arthritis. Ylang Ylang can be enjoyed as a euphoric aromatic experience, Chamomile, Lavender or Frankincense help to relieve stress related complaint such as anxiety and insomnia. Rosemary or Lemongrass help soothe aching limbs and joints. Avoid those oils which may irritating to the skin.

Internal Use

Due to high concentration of essential oils (and the high toxidity of a handful of essence) its is not recommended that they be taken at home in this manner. Since essential oil oils are readily absorbed through the ski, they can effect the internal organs and systems of the body by external use.

However, if you are keen on internal use, please refer to our specific blog on internal use of essential oil.




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